Information about working with white sage, burning white sage, and cleansing with white sage.

White sage can energetically cleanse a living environment. Lingering energy can have a negative impact on a living space. Burning white sage can purify the energy. Please note: Many people believe that burning white sage helps in "removing" spirits, entities, etc. This is not the case. If you experience such issues, seek someone knowledgeable who can help bring things into the light...

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Using White Sage:

Use an Abalone Shell or fireproof bowl with some sand or a flat stone inside. Take a twig, a few loose leaves, and light them. Once the flame is present, blow it out. The white sage will now smolder/smoke and is ready for use.

If you have many small pieces or loose powder, use a charcoal tablet for burning the white sage. Light the charcoal, and when it burns/turns gray, you can sprinkle the powder on it to create smoke.

Aura and Self-cleansing with White Sage:

For cleansing an aura and self-cleansing, place the Abalone shell or fireproof bowl on the ground. Be aware that the Abalone Shell or fireproof bowl can become hot and may damage the surface! Stand with your legs wide above the smoking white sage. Do not inhale white sage smoke!

Ensure that clothing does not come into contact with the burning white sage. Make sure the white sage smoke reaches all sides of the body. If you are cleansing someone else's aura, direct the smoke, possibly with the help of a feather, towards the heart, head, along the arms downward, and don't forget the back of the body. If you feel that certain parts of the body need more attention, do so. They may require extra healing or balance; provide extra smoke to those areas.

Space Cleansing with White Sage:

For space cleansing, start in the corners of the room and let the smoke from the white sage rise from the bottom, possibly with the help of a feather. Then, move through the space, spreading the white sage smoke with a feather if necessary. When you feel it's sufficient, move to the next space or stop and extinguish the burning white sage. Optionally, use sweetgrass after burning white sage.

Warning. Be cautious when burning White Sage and/or Smudging!

Beware of sparks that may be released! When burning White Sage and/or Smudging a person, object, or space, be careful to prevent sparks from landing on clothing, the object, or lingering in the space.

  • Ensure good ventilation during the burning of white sage/smudging so that the smoke does not linger and is not continually inhaled.
  • If using charcoal, the charcoal gets very hot; never leave smoldering white sage/smudging herbs unattended. It is advisable to place the charcoal on a layer of sand or a flat stone. This way, the Abalone shell or fireproof bowl becomes less hot and stays clean.
  • Do not inhale the smoke!
  • Do not use white sage or sage products when pregnant!